Our work is heavily supported by generous donors such as yourself. Your donations enable us to keep running our programmes and impact more lives.
All donations above $10 are eligible for 250% tax deduction. Please include your contact number if you would like us to get in touch with you for the purpose of facilitating your tax deduction. For tax exemption to be processed, donors must provide their full name and NRIC.
For enquiries on donations, please email or call 6365 5234. Thank you for supporting us in our work!
GIVING.SG (1:1 Matching Grant)
Scan the above QR code or go to our
“Heart for Families 2024” campaign.
The easiest way to give is through our main campaign – Heart for Families 2024.
Every dollar made to our campaign will receive 1-for-1 matching with the Tote Board’s Enhanced Fund-raising Programme (EFR) from now till 28 February 2025.
This essentially doubles the impact of your donation!
Please fill up this GIRO form and mail it to:
Blk 830, Woodlands Street 83, #01-133 S730830.
Please Click Here to be redirected to our
3rd party vendor to give using your credit card.
To give via cheque, please address the cheque to Woodlands Social Centre and mail it to:
Blk 830, Woodlands Street 83, #01-133.
* Indicate “Heart for Families 2024” on the back of your cheque to enable 1:1 matching.